
Create, modify and quick change tab groups. Inspired by the Tab Groups app :)

View the Project on GitHub Drive4ik/simple-tab-groups

Simple Tab Groups Simple Tab Groups

Mozilla Add-on


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$ cd addon
$ npm install
$ npm run build

npm run build

Build the extension into addon/dist folder for development.

npm run build-prod

Build the extension into addon/dist folder for production.

npm run watch

Watch for modifications then run npm run build.

npm run watch-prod

Watch for modifications then run npm run build-prod.

npm run build-zip

Build a zip file following this format <name>-v<version>-(dev|prod).zip, by reading name and version from manifest.json file. Zip file is located in dist-zip folder.


Simple Tab Groups works across browser instances/windows too. If you select a group in another window, the selected window will jump to the foreground with the chosen group selected. You can even select the specific tab within that group in background browser windows. GIF example

This allows for easy switching between active and pre-loaded tabs across multiple browser windows.

This extension has these plugins:

Allow support message actions from Gesturify addon. Allow import groups from addons “Panorama View” and “Sync Tab Groups”.

Work with Gesturefy addon

How to configure the work with the plugin Gesturefy

You have to copy and paste into Gesturefy addon

Add-on ID : simple-tab-groups@drive4ik

Parse message -> On

Supported actions:

This extension may conflict with other programs similar in functionality. Conflicted addons:

Open popup shortcut: F8. You can change this hotkey

Current list of functionality / development notes:

Permissions used:

License and Credits

This project is licensed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0.